Recent studies are showing that the total cost of some conventional energy sources are far outweighing the
direct cost of cleaner renewable energy sources such as solar.
The study, conducted and released by the European Commission, not only confirms the widely acknowledged fact that solar energy proves cost effective but also brought to public attention that the total direct cost implicated in conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels is significantly higher than that of renewable energy sources like wind or solar. The Support structure for solar across Europe is rapidly descending and coming into line with the huge reductions in cost we have seen over the past decade, other forms of energy like coal and nuclear power are still locked into heavily funded subsidies that they were the base rate 40 years ago.
The bottom line is that Solar has continued to prove itself despite cuts to subsides across Europe, if anything these cuts go as far as to prove how much momentum Solar has gained. As more and more solar installations, both domestic and commercial, are deployed the cost drops and more research makes panels more efficient. The subsidies per kilowatt must drop to reflect the increased production from investment.
Solar Energy has steadily become one of the best energy sources even when rivaled against conventional power and when it comes to renewable technologies it is arguably the top of the pile for the future. Due to the lessened infrastructure required ti set up solar and the variable plant size, from a small domestic system to large commercial sized arrays, Solar’s flexibility make it suitable for almost everyone.
To find out more about why solar energy is so popular and what it could bring to your business or home CLICK HERE to contact us
Posted: October 17th, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Uncategorized
Rochdale Borough Council have recently broken ground on what is to be the UK’s first publicly owned commercial solar farm. In its quest to become the UK’s most environmentally green local authority, the Council have undertaken a project to develop a sector of waste ground into a 250 kWp commercial solar plant.
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Posted: October 3rd, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Uncategorized
Swedish Flat-pack giant Ikea started a partnership with Chinese thin-film solar manufacturer Hanergy to bring easy Solar PV to domestic properties across the UK. Following an initial trial period the scheme was rolled out to all 18 of the Nordic superstores UK locations and saw huge uptake. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 30th, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, Energy Efficiency, Green Deal, Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Uncategorized
Technology giants are seeing a new area of competition with each other, sustainability.
California based household name, Apple, have made a switch to renewable energy. Currentlyall of their US data centres are run on clean energy. Their North Carolina data centre located in Maiden is currently supplied by a 400, 000 square metre solar array.
Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of environmental initiatives and the former head of the US Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), told Sky News why Apple had invested in the solar array. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 28th, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, Energy Efficiency, Green Deal, Renewable Energy, Uncategorized
Minister for climate change, Greg Barker, has announced plans to boost the growing uptake in commercial solar installations in the UK. Speaking to representatives at the British Photovoltaic Association’s Commercial and Domestic Rooftop Solar recently in the capital, Mr Barker echoed his long repeated statements on the importance of Solar Power to the UK and the governments desire to continually increase uptake of commercial solar power for UK roofspace. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 3rd, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Green Deal, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Incentives, Solar PV
How do you go to green energy ? Where to start?
Well, there are many simple steps you and your household can make to help make the world a greener place. Here are some ideas you can try today;
- Start washing at a cooler temperature, we don’t mean cold showers here, turn your washing machine down and then dry those clothes out in the fresh air. Most clothes can easily be washed at a lower temperature and sunshine can help to break down stubborn stains to help them fade away and give older clothes a new life. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 25th, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy
According to the Government Department of Energy and Climate Change the value of a home in the north east of the UK can be increased by up to £19,000. The reasons behind this statement are that buyers who are looking for a new home are increasingly conscious of the energy efficiency of a prospective property and are actively looking towards homes with Solar panels already installed.
If you are looking to purchase a house and for example you know that it has made good use of renewable energy solutions its relatively easy to get a good indication from the current owners about what their energy bills are like, from there you can work out your long term savings. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: October 23rd, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Energy Efficiency
Ensure that your business is protected against the ever increasing energy costs with a Commercial Solar PV installation from Carmichael Browns, an experienced commercial engineering business, working to bring sustainable energy to the UK commercial sector.
Commercial is one of the biggest energy saving industries that can make a big impact on energy usage. By changing to a more economic and sustainable energy source you can not only save yourself money long term but you can also be confident in the knowledge you are helping save the planet.
There are many benefits to having Commercial Solar PV Panels installed with key benefits available to your business include the following : Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 15th, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Solar PV
Commercial-scale Solar PV projects are estimated to be generating £13.5million worth of electricity a year according to the latest research poll.
Research carried out by an independent energy company revealed that the many commercial-scale independent Solar projects of over 50kw, that are operating in the UK at the end of 2012, account for 322MW of its capacity.
Renewable Energy Developer’s account for 59% of the total energy being generated by the sector with 13% coming from onsite generators and landowners alike and a further 7% is accounted for by the agricultural sector. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 24th, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Renewable Energy Source
all of the benefits of Solar energy are widely understood and by installing Solar panels on commercial buildings and factories you will receive more than just peace of mind that you are doing something to help the environment.
Because you will be creating your own energy you can negate any increases in energy costs and save money on your current utility bills. You are also adding value to that property, so that when it comes to selling the building the value of that property is likely to have increased.
Many commercial buildings use an enormous amount of energy, particularly in factories where you are Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 12th, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar