Commercial Solar Case Study – DH Industries LTD

DH Industries LTD, a long-standing engineering business started in 1961. Working across a spectrum of industries the company has striven to work closely with their clients to design and build them bespoke process machinery no matter their industrial sector. in the mid 90’s DHI moved to a purpose built premesis in Essex. since then DHI have kept a steady eye on both their environmental impact and their energy costs, with a view to keep them both as low as possible.
DHI then heard that not only could they reduce their environmental impact they could start to reduce it by producing their own sustainable energy on site. They consulted within the business looking at several options and then settled on Solar PV for the roof of their site. After meeting with Carmichael Browns and looking at their options DHI decided that a 180 kWp system would be the best fit for their business energy requirements. 720x 250w solar pv modules were installed to react the total capacity. This 180 kWp array will provide over 70% of the companies annual energy requirements and given them a annual co2 saving of 69,023 kilos per year.
We work alongside businesses to come up with the right solution for them. We offer a free consultation initially to find out what the business is trying to achieve, what space they have available and to enable us to come up with an accurate quotation.
During Phase 1 of the project 50 kWp was installed, and during its first week of operation it generated over 1 MWh of electricity, well ahead of the predicted forecast. The remainder of the system is now also operational and is set to allow for savings of over £12,000 in year 1 alone as well as FIT payments of over £16,000. Unsurprisingly DH Industries Ltd are delighted with their Commercial Solar installation and are looking forward to helping reduce their environmental impact and save money at the same time.