New data released by the research firm IHS, details that up to 69% of the planned solar installs across 2014 and 2015 throughout Europe are planned to take place in the UK. Approximately 7 gigawatts of solar pv are planned to be installed across Europe of the coming 18 months. With that factored the UK can expect at least 4.8GW of solar photo voltaic power installed over the next 18 months. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: June 2nd, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Green Deal, power, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Incentives
The whole world has to look to renewable energy sources for the future of their power supplies – fossils fuels have been depleted at an alarming rate over the last few decades, they are quickly disappearing from the face of the earth and they cannot be renewed but not to worry, there are an abundance of renewable energy sources available – renewable sources which will not run out.
The primary sources of renewable energy are;
Wind power – wind turbines can be used to generate electricity by harnessing the raw power of the wind, it won’t make the wind blow any less or any less frequently, the wind keeps on blowing no matter how much of the energy is utilized or effectively wasted. Wind power is green, clean and renewable.
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Posted: January 8th, 2014 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Renewable Energy

The earth is full of clean renewable energy options available to the consumer, unfortunately in recent decades with the rise in usage of fossil fuels and more widespread use of cars and motor vehicles across the globe. Well now we are faced with decreasing supplies of oil and gas and everyone across the globe to turn their attention to renewable sources of energy to meet the requirements of modern life. This goes the same for governments, corporations and homeowners across the globe, and no one is seeing this demand more than the energy companies who supply power to the world. It’d widely acknowledged that now is the time to look at renewable energy sources more than ever. Let’s take a look at the “freebies”, readily available energy sources across the world from which we can harness power, namely, wind and sunshine. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 18th, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Renewable Energy
Over a third of people think making money is not as important as protecting the environment and would install solar PV panels, regardless of the financial benefit.
A Solar comparison website surveyed 2,000 people and found 36% of people would embrace a renewable technology simply out of concern for the environment over slashing their energy bills.
A spokesperson for the energy efficiency specialists said: “The findings suggest a large proportion of people care about the environment more than money, which is wonderful. As it happens Solar panels are a great financial investment too but we suggest that if more people knew more about the environmental benefits of PV, we could see a greater interest in them. This could also provide a great boost to the industry. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 11th, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Solar PV