Rochdale Borough Council have recently broken ground on what is to be the UK’s first publicly owned commercial solar farm. In its quest to become the UK’s most environmentally green local authority, the Council have undertaken a project to develop a sector of waste ground into a 250 kWp commercial solar plant.
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Posted: October 3rd, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Uncategorized
Minister for climate change, Greg Barker, has announced plans to boost the growing uptake in commercial solar installations in the UK. Speaking to representatives at the British Photovoltaic Association’s Commercial and Domestic Rooftop Solar recently in the capital, Mr Barker echoed his long repeated statements on the importance of Solar Power to the UK and the governments desire to continually increase uptake of commercial solar power for UK roofspace. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 3rd, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Green Deal, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Incentives, Solar PV

members of the UK public are firmly behind renewable energy
The UK public has continued to show support for renewable energy in a series of surveys conducted across the UK. According to the Department of Energy and Climate Change 80% of those who responded to the survey stated that they were in support of electricity, heat and fuel to come from renewable sources. In addition to this nearly 2 thirds of UK inhabitants said they would be happy to see a large scale renewable energy development in their area.
The purpose of this questionnaire was to ascertain what the major challenges to the UK are in today’s climate including inflation, energy supply and taxation among others. Among the topics of importance those relating to energy have jumped several places to the forefront of concerns among UK residents. 85% of those surveyed stated that they had considerable concern for future increases in energy costs. However, this is could be down to the increased profile of energy bills in the recent months as many political parties have been using them as an emotional point with voters. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: May 6th, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Renewable Energy
Energy conscious communities across the nation will be able to receive Feed-in Tariff (FITs) payments for the clean green energy generated by larger community energy projects, under new plans set out by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Projects such as Solar PV on school roofs or panels on libraries, community owned wind turbines and hydro power from local streams could all benefit under the proposed new rules.
The FITs scheme pays householders, businesses and communities for the electricity they generate through a range of renewable energy technologies including Solar PV, wind, hydro projects and anaerobic digestion. There is also payment for excess power exported back to the grid.
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Posted: July 12th, 2013 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Renewable Energy Incentives