Commercial Solar Case Study – Care Co

Commercial Solar installation begins at Care Co
Care Co are an established supplier of mobility and home care products to both domestic and businesses clients. As a member of the British Heath Traders Association (BHTA) Care Co were keen to reduce overheads in order to further their commitment in bringing quality solutions to their clients and an affordable cost.
Care Co decided to conduct a major refurbishment to their new company Head quarters in Brentwood to increase the energy efficiency of the building and significantly reduce energy wastage and subsequently save money and pass those savings on to their clients.
Carmichael Browns worked closely with care to design a bespoke commercial solar system suited to their newly refurbished flat roof including a non penetrative angled mounting system to ensure the maximum efficiency of the system and by extent the best returns and power production for care co.
Care Co.’s bespoke system consisted of 120 X245W panels arranged at an angle of 10 degrees to aid the best yield for the project. These panels will give care co a total system output of 29.4 kWp. Due to the newly rebuilt roof Care Co. and Carmichael Browns collaborated to come up with a non penetrative solution and selected a low profile ballast to hold the frames in place. Care co were keen to begin using their own clean free electricity on site and take the first step to more of their buildings being greener and more sustainable. Placement of the system was crucial and all panels were located away from the edges of the roof to reduce wind impact, in addition to this Carmichael Browns sourced additional wind deflecting panels to prevent further wind causing panel movement and enabling the ballasting needed for each panel to be greatly reduced.
Care co. have taken the steps to improve their companies green credentials and make a significant reduction in their energy bills enabling them to keep offering their services to elderly and disabled clients at their established lower costs. In addition to this, for each unit of electricity their new system produces they will be paid by the Government’s Feed in Tariff Scheme.