Government promises “Rocket Boosters” for UK commercial solar

Minister for climate change, Greg Barker, has announced plans to boost the growing uptake in commercial solar installations in the UK. Speaking to representatives at the British Photovoltaic Association’s Commercial and Domestic Rooftop Solar recently in the capital, Mr Barker echoed his long repeated statements on the importance of Solar Power to the UK and the governments desire to continually increase uptake of commercial solar power for UK roofspace.

The minister, also revealed plans aimed to help kickstart mid sized commercial installed in the UK. one of the

Commercial solar install in 2014

One of many commercial solar installs in 2014

main methods he presented was a plan to raise the floor for permitted developments from 50KW to 1MW.

“I can confirm today that the Department of Communities & Local Government will consult over the summer on permitted development to simplify the bureaucracy of installing solar on non-domestic properties, on larger roofs – from 50kW to 1MW” Mr Barker told the assembled professionals.

Although no definite or detailed plans were revealed this week, the industry is thankful that the DECC are continuing to show support to the solar sector. The minister also stated his plans to hold a round table in September in a move to find the best steps to remove the barriers that are currently blocking the uptake of commercial solar PV in the UK.

This news comes after a recent DECC study announced its finding that there is approximately a quarter of a million hectares of south facing commercial roof space available in the UK for solar deployment.

If your business is part of this 125,000 hectares contact us to see how we can work with you to step into the next great step of the solar revolution.

This entry was posted on Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 at 12:55 pm and is filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Green Deal, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Incentives, Solar PV. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.