Commercial Solar Case Study – Berkshire MS Therapy Centre

A Charitable Organisation
Berkshire MS Therapy Centre have been providing critical support to people with MS, their families and carers since the mid 1980s. The centre is unique in Berkshire as no other NHS or Private run centre has a comparable range of services.
Inspired by the Feed-in Tariff and keen to offset the rising costs of fossil fuels, Berkshire MS Therapy Centre requested Carmichael Browns design and install a suitably sized Solar PV system that would be best suited to their needs and offer a good return on their investment.

Solar PV at Berkshire MS Therapy Centre
In total 48 x 250W Suntech Mono crystalline modules have been installed for the project offering a total system of 12kWp. This was evenly split across the three phases that were available at the Therapy Centre’s Distribution Board and connected to an SMA Tripower inverter.
Following the successful installation we helped the centre apply for their Feed in Tariff, obtained DNO G59 approval.
BMSTC subsequently asked us to assist in the design and installation of their Solar Thermal system and Renewable Heat Incentive application.
BMSTC are also a charitable organisation so were able to enjoy 5% reduced VAT rate reserved for charities and domestic renewable installations.
Panel Model: Suntech 250Wp ( 3 x strings x 16 modules)
Inverter(s): SMA Tripower
System size: 12kWh
Estimated output: 10,301 kWh
Annual Benefit: £2447
ROI: 8.3% in year 1