The US state of California’s governor Jerry Brown has gone a step further on his previous support

of solar
One of Mr Browns main strategies to reach this goal is a dramatic increase in rooftop solar in the notoriously sunny locale.power with a new target to have 50% of “the golden state’s” energy to come from renewable sources by 2030. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 17th, 2015 by Browns
| Filed under Energy Efficiency, power, Renewable Energy, Solar PV
When will solar power in the UK overtake its current subsides?

Solar PV in the UK is fast outgrowing subsidies
It’s widely acknowledged that Solar PV in the UK has taken off, in fact in the past year solar PV installs across
the country have doubled.
The subsidies were put in place to improve investments into Solar PV and in turn further research in order for power generated from Solar PV to reach grid parity.
It’s a fact that the goal is for Solar PV in the UK to become subsidy free, the main question is when? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 12th, 2015 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Green Deal, power, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Incentives, Solar PV, Uncategorized

Large scale Solar power could be the best option moving forward
Could the world be run on solar power?
It’s widely acknowledged that the vast majority of currently used fossil fuels are running out, so much so that some scientists predict that we will be bereft of these fuel sources inside a century.
Its time to look at other forms of power, everyone agrees on that. One of the most viable long term solutions to the forecast power shortfalls is the widespread implementation of Solar Power.
As a comparison , the Solar Energy that hits a square mile in a year is the energy equivalent of over 4 million barrels of oil.
To match current energy demands the amount of area required to be tuned over to solar PV would be around 0.2% of the total earth land mass. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: January 12th, 2015 by Browns
| Filed under Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Source, Solar PV, Uncategorized
This isn’t just any solar pv array…. this is a Marks and Spencer solar pv array.
The retail giant have joined the growing numbers of UK based businesses investing in to their own future and the future of renewable energy. A massive 24,000 solar panels are planned to be mounted to the roof of Marks and Spencer’s Warehouse in Castle Donington. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: November 6th, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Solar PV
Recent studies are showing that the total cost of some conventional energy sources are far outweighing the
direct cost of cleaner renewable energy sources such as solar.
The study, conducted and released by the European Commission, not only confirms the widely acknowledged fact that solar energy proves cost effective but also brought to public attention that the total direct cost implicated in conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels is significantly higher than that of renewable energy sources like wind or solar. The Support structure for solar across Europe is rapidly descending and coming into line with the huge reductions in cost we have seen over the past decade, other forms of energy like coal and nuclear power are still locked into heavily funded subsidies that they were the base rate 40 years ago.
The bottom line is that Solar has continued to prove itself despite cuts to subsides across Europe, if anything these cuts go as far as to prove how much momentum Solar has gained. As more and more solar installations, both domestic and commercial, are deployed the cost drops and more research makes panels more efficient. The subsidies per kilowatt must drop to reflect the increased production from investment.
Solar Energy has steadily become one of the best energy sources even when rivaled against conventional power and when it comes to renewable technologies it is arguably the top of the pile for the future. Due to the lessened infrastructure required ti set up solar and the variable plant size, from a small domestic system to large commercial sized arrays, Solar’s flexibility make it suitable for almost everyone.
To find out more about why solar energy is so popular and what it could bring to your business or home CLICK HERE to contact us
Posted: October 17th, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Uncategorized
Rochdale Borough Council have recently broken ground on what is to be the UK’s first publicly owned commercial solar farm. In its quest to become the UK’s most environmentally green local authority, the Council have undertaken a project to develop a sector of waste ground into a 250 kWp commercial solar plant.
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Posted: October 3rd, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Uncategorized
Swedish Flat-pack giant Ikea started a partnership with Chinese thin-film solar manufacturer Hanergy to bring easy Solar PV to domestic properties across the UK. Following an initial trial period the scheme was rolled out to all 18 of the Nordic superstores UK locations and saw huge uptake. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: September 30th, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, Energy Efficiency, Green Deal, Renewable Energy, Solar PV, Uncategorized
Minister for climate change, Greg Barker, has announced plans to boost the growing uptake in commercial solar installations in the UK. Speaking to representatives at the British Photovoltaic Association’s Commercial and Domestic Rooftop Solar recently in the capital, Mr Barker echoed his long repeated statements on the importance of Solar Power to the UK and the governments desire to continually increase uptake of commercial solar power for UK roofspace. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: July 3rd, 2014 by Browns
| Filed under Commercial Solar, DECC, Energy Efficiency, Feed in Tariff (FiT), Green Deal, Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy Incentives, Solar PV
Think of Brazil, Beaches, Football, Food and SUN! Well now the South American giant is set to make Solar PV energy a viable and sustainable energy source to provide power to the country. As the worlds eyes shift to Brazil ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics, Brazil are expanding their use of renewable energy across the country.
Currently wind power has proved the most popular across Brazil, but in the countries national energy auctions held at regular intervals the potentials of Solar PV are being unlocked as peak prices come into an accessible range. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: April 1st, 2014 by Carmichael Browns
| Filed under Solar PV